Study Abroad Exams: Everything You Need To Know

Aug 3, 2023 | IELTS

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Study Abroad Exams

Studying abroad often requires fulfilling specific academic and language proficiency requirements. The exact exams you need to take may vary depending on the country, university, and program you are applying to. However, some commonly required exams for studying abroad include:

Language Proficiency Exams

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

    IELTS is one of the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests for study, work, and migration purposes. It assesses your English language skills in four key areas: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

    Various countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, accept IELTS as a recognized proficiency test for universities, colleges, employers, and immigration authorities. It provides a reliable and standardized measure of your English language proficiency.

    IELTS Test Format

    IELTS Listening: 

    You listen to a range of recorded audio and answer questions based on what you hear Duration: Approximately 30 minutes.

    IELTS Reading:

     You read various passages and answer questions to test your comprehension. Duration: 60 minutes

    IELTS Writing: 

    You complete two writing tasks, including an essay and a report or letter. Duration: 60 minutes.

    This section consists of two tasks:

    Task 1: You will be asked to describe, summarize, or explain visual information, such as graphs, charts, or diagrams.

    Task 2: You will be given a topic and asked to write an essay expressing your opinion or providing arguments and examples related to the given topic.

    IELTS Speaking: 

    This section is conducted in the form of a one-on-one interview with an examiner. Duration: Approximately 11-14 minutes

     It consists of three parts:

    IELTS Speaking Part 1: Introduction and general questions about yourself, your interests, and your background.

    IELTS Speaking Part 2: You will be given a topic and will have one minute to prepare, followed by speaking about the topic for around two minutes.

    IELTS Speaking Part 3: The examiner will ask you further questions related to the topic discussed in Part 2, focusing on more abstract and complex issues.

    Types of IELTS

    IELTS Academic: 

    Designed for individuals planning to study at the undergraduate or postgraduate level or seeking professional registration in an English-speaking environment.

    IELTS General Training: 

    Suitable for individuals planning to pursue work experience, training programs, secondary education, or migration to an English-speaking country.

    IELTS Scoring

    Each section of the test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) is scored on a band scale from 0 to 9. The overall band score is calculated as an average of the four section scores.

    IELTS Test Availability

    • IELTS is conducted regularly throughout the year at various test centres worldwide. Examinees have the flexibility to select a convenient test date and location based on availability.
    • Preparing for the IELTS test is crucial to achieve your desired band score. It is recommended to practice with official IELTS study materials, take mock tests, and seek guidance from qualified instructors or online resources to improve your English language skills and familiarize yourself with the test format.

      OET (Occupational English Test)

      The Occupational English Test (OET) is an English language proficiency test designed specifically for healthcare professionals who seek to work or study in English-speaking countries.It assesses the language skills of healthcare professionals in real-life workplace scenarios relevant to their specific healthcare professions.

      OET Test Format

      OET Listening Section: Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

      You will listen to a series of recorded healthcare-related scenarios and will be required to answer questions based on the information provided.

      OET Reading Section: Duration: 60 minutes

      You will receive a set of healthcare-related texts, such as articles or patient case notes, and will need to answer questions that test your comprehension and understanding of the materials.

      OET Writing Section: Duration: 45 minutes

      This section consists of a task that assesses your ability to write a letter or a report based on a given healthcare-related situation. You will need to demonstrate your professional writing skills.

      OET Speaking Section: Duration: Approximately 20 minutes

      The speaking section is conducted as a one-on-one conversation with an interlocutor, simulating a healthcare professional-patient or healthcare professional-colleague interaction. It consists of two role-play scenarios, where you will play the role of a healthcare professional.

      Healthcare Professions

      The OET is tailored to various healthcare professions, including medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, veterinary science, radiography, occupational therapy, and more.

      Each profession has specific scenarios and tasks relevant to their practice.

      OET Test Scoring

      The OET uses a grading system from A (highest) to E (lowest) for each of the four language skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

      Many healthcare organizations and regulatory bodies have their own minimum score requirements for OET, so it’s essential to check the specific requirements of your intended institution or employer.

      OET Test Availability

      OET is available in various countries and can be taken multiple times a year. Test dates and locations can be found on the official OET website.

      CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program)

      Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program is an English language proficiency test designed specifically for individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada or obtain Canadian citizenship.

       It assesses the English language skills necessary for communication and integration into Canadian society.

      CLEPIP Test Format

      CELPIP-General: This version of the test evaluates functional English language proficiency in everyday situations.

      CELPIP-Listening: You listen to various audio recordings and answer questions based on the information you hear.

      CELPIP-Speaking: You respond to a range of spoken prompts and engage in conversations on familiar topics.

      CELPIP-Reading: You read and answer questions based on written passages, such as articles or advertisements.

      CELPIP-Writing: You complete writing tasks, including emails, letters, or essays.

      CELPIP General LS: This version of the test assesses listening and speaking skills only, without the reading and writing sections.

      CELPIP Test Scoring

      CELPIP scores are measured on a nine-band scale, with 9 being the highest level of proficiency.

      Scores are provided for each skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) as well as an overall score.

      CELPIP Test Availability

      CELPIP tests are available at designated test centres in Canada and select international locations.

       Test dates and locations can be found on the official CELPIP website.

        • CELPIP scores are widely accepted by Canadian immigration authorities, employers, and academic institutions. It is important to check the specific requirements of the organization or program you are applying to in order to determine the minimum score they accept for immigration, employment, or education purposes.

      TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

      The TOEFL is an English language proficiency test commonly required for non-native English speakers seeking admission to universities or colleges in English-speaking countries, especially in the United States.

      TOEFL Test Format

      • TOEFL IBT (Internet-based Test) 

       This format is the most prevalent and is conducted online.

      TOEFL IBT Reading: You read and answer questions based on academic passages.

      TOEFL IBT Listening: You listen to academic lectures, conversations, and discussions and answer questions.

      TOEFL IBT Speaking: You express your opinions and ideas by responding to prompts.

      TOEFL IBT Writing: You write responses to academic tasks, including essays and summaries.

      • TOEFL PBT (Paper-based Test):

      This format is less common and is administered in areas where the internet-based test is not available.

      The PBT format includes listening, structure and written expression, reading comprehension, and writing sections.

      Test Scoring:

      The TOEFL iBT is scored on a scale of 0-120, with each section receiving a scaled score of 0-30.

      The PBT format is scored on a scale of 310-677, with each section contributing to the total score.

        • PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English Academic): Evaluates English language proficiency through computer-based assessments.

      Preliminary English Test (PET)

       The Preliminary English Test (PET) is an English language proficiency exam provided by Cambridge Assessment English. It is designed for individuals who have reached an intermediate level of English language skills and wish to demonstrate their ability to use English for everyday communication.

      PET Test Format:

      The PET exam assesses the four language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

      PET Reading: You read various texts and answer multiple-choice questions, matching tasks, and sentence completion exercises.

      PET Writing: You write short messages, emails, postcards, and a short essay.

      PET Listening: You listen to a range of recordings and answer multiple-choice questions, matching tasks, and sentence completion exercises.

      PET Speaking: You participate in face-to-face speaking tasks with an examiner or in pairs.

      PET Test Scoring:

      • The PET exam is reported on the Cambridge English Scale, which provides a numerical score for each component (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking).


        • The final score is determined by aggregating the performance across all sections.

      PET Test Level:

      PET is positioned at Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It indicates an intermediate level of English proficiency.

      PET Test Purpose:

      • PET can be used for various purposes, such as demonstrating English language skills for general communication, personal development, or employment opportunities where an intermediate level of English is required.


        • Preparing for the PET exam is important to familiarize yourself with the test format and improve your English language skills. Cambridge Assessment English provides official preparation materials, practice tests, and sample papers to help you prepare effectively.

      IELTS vs TOEFL

      The choice between IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) depends on individual preferences and specific requirements set by universities, employers, or immigration authorities.

      Both tests are widely recognized and accepted by institutions around the world. However, here are a few reasons why some individuals may consider IELTS to be a better option:

      IELTS offers a face-to-face speaking component, which some test takers prefer as it provides an opportunity for direct interaction with an examiner. TOEFL’s speaking component is computer-based, where responses are recorded and evaluated later.
      British English American English
      IELTS is co-owned by the British Council and uses a variety of accents, including British, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand accents. This can be beneficial for individuals who are more familiar with British English. TOEFL is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and focuses primarily on American English accents.
      IELTS writing tasks include both a short essay and a more formal, longer essay. Some test takers appreciate the opportunity to showcase their writing skills in different formats. TOEFL includes a single essay task, usually focusing on academic topics.

      Acceptance by Institutions:

      • IELTS is widely accepted by universities, colleges, employers, and immigration authorities in many English-speaking countries, including the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.


        • TOEFL is commonly accepted in the United States and may be preferred by institutions in the U.S.

      Academic Entrance Exams

      • GRE (Graduate Record Examination)


      The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test widely utilized for graduate program admissions, especially in the United States.  It assesses the verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills of prospective graduate school applicants.

      GRE Test Sections

      GRE Verbal Reasoning: Measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material, understand and draw conclusions from it, and identify relationships between words and concepts.

      GRE Quantitative Reasoning: Assesses your problem-solving abilities in areas such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.

      GRE Analytical Writing: Tests your critical thinking and analytical writing skills through two essay tasks: “Issue Task” and “Argument Task.”

      GRE Computer-Based Test:

      The GRE is primarily administered as a computer-based test, where questions are adaptive and adjust difficulty level based on your previous responses.

      The Analytical Writing section is manually graded by trained evaluators.

      GRE Scoring:

      • Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections are scored on a scale of 130 to 170, in one-point increments.


        • The scoring for the Analytical Writing section ranges from 0 to 6, with increments of half-points.

        • The scores are valid for five years.

      GRE Test Availability:

      The GRE is offered throughout the year at authorized test centres worldwide.

      Test dates and centres can be found on the official GRE website.

      GRE Test Preparation

      • Various resources are available for GRE preparation, including official practice materials, study guides, online courses, and practice tests. Many test takers dedicate time to review content, practice sample questions, and become familiar with the test format.


        • The GRE scores are widely accepted by many graduate programs and universities worldwide. However, it’s important to research and understand the specific requirements of the programs you are applying to, including their preferred score ranges and any subject-specific GRE tests they may require.

      • SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) 


      The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is a standardized test extensively employed for college admissions in the United States. It assesses students’ readiness for college-level education and measures their knowledge and skills in critical reading, writing, and mathematics.

      SAT Test Sections:

      SAT Reading: Measures reading comprehension skills through passages from various subjects.

      SAT Writing and Language: Assesses grammar, usage, and rhetorical skills through multiple-choice questions and passages.

      SAT Math: Tests mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities, including both calculator and no-calculator sections.

      SAT Essay (optional): Some colleges may require or recommend the essay portion, which involves analysing a provided passage.

      SAT Scoring

      The SAT scores each section on a scale of 200 to 800 points.

      The total score is calculated by adding the scores from the reading, writing and language, and math sections, with a maximum possible score of 1600.

      The essay, if taken, is scored separately on a scale of 6 to 24.

      SAT Test Availability

      The SAT is administered several times a year at designated test centers in various countries.

      Test dates are announced by the College Board, the organization that oversees the SAT.

      SAT Test Preparation

      • There are various resources available for SAT preparation, including official practice tests, study guides, online courses, and tutoring services.


        • The SAT is widely accepted by colleges and universities in the United States as part of the admissions process. It is important to research and understand the specific requirements of the institutions you are applying to, including whether they require the essay portion or have specific score expectations.

      • ACT (American College Testing): 


      The American College Testing (ACT) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. It assesses students’ academic readiness for college-level coursework and measures their knowledge and skills in English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning.

      ACT Test Sections:

      ACT English: Assesses grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and rhetorical skills through multiple-choice questions.

      ACT Mathematics: Tests mathematical skills, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

      ACT Reading: Measures reading comprehension skills through passages from various subjects.

      ACT Science: Evaluates interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and problem-solving skills related to scientific information.

      ACT Optional Writing Section:

      The ACT offers an optional Writing section where students provide an essay response to a given prompt. Some colleges may require or recommend this section.

      ACT Scoring

      The ACT scores each section on a scale of 1 to 36.

      The composite score is the average of the four section scores, rounded to the nearest whole number.

      The optional Writing section is scored separately on a scale of 2 to 12.

      ACT Test Availability

      The ACT is administered several times a year at designated test centers in various countries.

      Test dates are announced by the ACT organization, and students can register for the test online.

      ACT Test Preparation:

      • There are various resources available for ACT preparation, including official practice tests, study guides, online courses, and tutoring services.


        • The ACT is widely accepted by colleges and universities in the United States as part of the admissions process. However, it’s essential to research and understand the specific requirements of the institutions you are applying to, including whether they require the Writing section or have specific score expectations.

      Subject-Specific Exams

      GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

      • The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam frequently employed for admission to graduate business programs, including MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs.


        • It assesses the analytical, quantitative, verbal, and integrated reasoning skills of prospective business school applicants.

      GMAT Test Sections

      Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): Requires test takers to analyze an argument and provide a well-structured essay response.

      GMAT Integrated Reasoning: Assesses the ability to interpret and analyze complex data from multiple sources, including graphs, tables, and written passages.

      GMAT Quantitative Reasoning: Tests problem-solving abilities in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis.

      GMAT Verbal Reasoning: The GMAT Verbal Reasoning section assesses reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction abilities.

      GMAT Computer-Based Test:

      The GMAT is administered as a computer-based test, where questions adapt in difficulty based on your previous responses within each section.

      GMAT Scoring:

      • The GMAT sections are scored individually, and the scores range from 0 to 60 for the Quantitative and Verbal sections, 0 to 6 for the AWA, and 1 to 8 for the Integrated Reasoning section.


        • The overall GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800, combining the scores from the Quantitative and Verbal sections.

      GMAT Test Availability:

      • The GMAT is available throughout the year at authorized test centres worldwide.


        • Test dates and centres can be found on the official GMAT website.

      GMAT Test Preparation:

      • Various resources are available for GMAT preparation, including official study guides, practice questions, online courses, and practice tests.


        • The GMAT scores are widely accepted by business schools globally. However, it is crucial to research and understand the specific requirements of the programs you are applying to, including their preferred score ranges and any other application components they consider important.

      MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)

      The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized exam utilized for admission to medical schools in the United States, Canada, and various other countries. It assesses the knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills required for success in medical education and practice.

      MCAT Test Sections:

      Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems: The Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section evaluates knowledge of biology, organic chemistry, and biochemistry.

      Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems: Tests understanding of general chemistry, physics, and biochemistry.

      Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behaviour: Evaluates knowledge of psychology, sociology, and biology as they relate to human behaviour and society.

      Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills: Measures critical thinking and reading comprehension abilities through passages from the humanities and social sciences.

      MCAT Computer-Based Test:

      The MCAT is administered as a computer-based test at designated test centres.

      Each section is timed, and there are scheduled breaks during the exam.

      MCAT Scoring:

      Each of the four sections is scored from a range of 118 to 132, with a midpoint of 125.

      The total MCAT score is the sum of the four section scores, ranging from 472 to 528.

      MCAT Test Preparation:

      • MCAT preparation typically involves a combination of content review, practice questions, and full-length practice exams.


        • Various study resources, including official MCAT practice materials, prep books, online courses, and tutoring services, are available to help students prepare effectively.

        • The MCAT scores are a crucial component of the medical school application process and are considered by admissions committees when evaluating candidates. However, it’s important to note that medical schools also consider other factors such as GPA, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and personal statements.

      LSAT (Law School Admission Test)

      • The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a standardized exam administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) in the United States and various other countries. Its specific purpose is to evaluate critical thinking, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading comprehension skills required for success in law school.


      LSAT Test Sections

      LSAT Logical Reasoning: This section evaluates your ability to analyse and critically evaluate arguments, identify logical flaws, and draw logical conclusions.

      LSAT Analytical Reasoning : It measures your ability to understand and analyse complex relationships between entities, make deductions, and solve logical puzzles.

      LSAT Reading Comprehension: This section assesses your reading comprehension skills by providing passages on various subjects and asking questions based on them.

      LSAT Writing Sample : In addition to the scored sections, there is an unscored writing sample where you are required to write an essay response.

      LSAT Scoring:

      • The LSAT is scored on a scale from 120 to 180, with 120 being the lowest score and 180 being the highest score.


        • Your score is calculated based on the number of questions answered correctly, and there are no penalties for incorrect answers.

      LSAT Test Preparation:

      Preparation for the LSAT typically involves a combination of studying content, practicing with sample questions and tests, and familiarizing yourself with the test format.

      Various resources are available, including official LSAC practice materials, prep books, online courses, and tutoring services, to help you prepare effectively.

      Important Note:

      • Some countries or universities may have specific exams or aptitude tests for certain programs, such as the UKCAT (United Kingdom Clinical Aptitude Test) for medical programs in the UK.


        • It’s important to research the specific requirements of the country, university, and program you are interested in to determine which exams are necessary.

        • Check the official websites of the institutions or consult with educational advisors for accurate and up-to-date information on exam requirements for studying abroad.